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Then enter into your Powershell windows and write clone URL as: git clone repository_url.Then in the top right corner, click the option clone or download where a small drop-down box will appear having a URL for cloning over HTTPS.Initially you need to click the options repository on GitHub.git config –global user.e mail "email_address".git config –global user.n ame "github_username".

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Also, don't forget to add your own GitHub credentials for username and email address. You can configure your local GitHub installation with credentials by using the following commands. To launch git via graphical user interface(GUI), similarly, first open the window and search for git GUI and click on the application icon and open it.To launch git via bash scripting shell, First, open the window and search for git bash and open it.One is launching git using a bash scripting shell with the help of the command line and another is launching git using a graphical user interface. There are two methods to launch git in windows. There are some experimental options available such as pseudo control Support or Built in file system monitor concerning your installed Git version.Nevertheless, one should always prefer default options for shortcuts or more. This option enables users to add extra elements such as symbolic links for command lines.Move back to Github and click on "test_demo" and check if the local file "demo.txt" is pushed to this repository. Push the local file onto the remote repository using the following command: $ git push origin master

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